Home Energy Solutions, Inc.

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The “Mold Grows on our Clothes” Home

Before Home Energy Solutions Came On The Scene

The homeowners had already worked with three other HVAC contractors to evaluate the situation, and none of them could provide any solutions. The homeowners were understandably frustrated by the time they called us. 

Fortunately for these homeowners, Home Energy Solutions has an advantage when it comes to understanding the often complicated relationship between a building’s structural properties, its installed equipment, and the physical, hygrometric processes that define how moisture vapor may manifest itself within a conditioned space as well as in its constructions

Home Testing and Evaluation

We performed a Manual J Load calculation and also utilized the Manual D Duct Design process for each individual room. Only through these techniques may we fully appreciate how each room’s load profile is different and, because each space faces a different direction, how one room’s load may be affected by allowing more direct sunlight throughout the day than another. 

We then mapped out the existing ductwork and re-engineered a proper strategy for balancing the ducting distribution - not only to correct the inadequacies of the existing distribution system but to be conscientious in striving to preserve as much of the existing ducts as possible to save costs. 

Before reaching a final conclusion, we still needed to understand what the HVAC systems were actually doing within the building when calling for air conditioning. 

Knowing that each room requires a specific amount of airflow, we found that when measuring these airflows directly, the air supply to the client’s closets was more than 90% in excess when compared to the actual cooling requirements of the space. On top of this, the returning airflow within their master bedroom suite was in deficit by nearly 30%. The relationship between return air to supply air should be as close to 1:1 as possible. 

In the end, we found that where 4 tons of cooling had been installed on the 2nd floor of this home, only 2.7 tons of total cooling was actually required. In addition, the system being incorrectly commissioned and installed meant it was unable to control the flow of air in a specified (controlled) volume to each space.

Missing Balancing Dampers Caused a Lot of Problems

Without balancing dampers, conditioned airflow was being delivered in random volumes to each room of the home. Home Energy Solutions was able to properly size, design, and allocate the new HVAC equipment with balance dampers installed on all supply branches, and we were able to present to the client’s builder undeniable evidence that their HVAC contractor had made a mistake. 

We were able to assist this client and their builder by creating a work plan to perform the corrective actions necessary to solve these issues. 

Our work meant significant cost savings on energy bills

In addition to well-regulated humidity, a more comfortable home overall, and the peace of mind of putting a burden like this behind them, our clients have realized the energy used between the incorrect 4-ton system previously installed and the 3-ton system presently installed is the difference between 478 Watts and 342 Watts of electricity from the blower fan, respectively. A 29% savings in this system’s electricity usage

Our services pay for themselves over timeGuaranteed.

A Hard Lesson Learned

This home was built by a well-known national builder and was located in a well-designed and planned neighborhood with home values in the $550K-$750K range. If these homeowners had contacted Home Energy Solutions initially, we could have saved them the hassle of living with discomfort for 3 years! We always work for our client's best interests. Our highest values will always align with the values of the people we want to serve.